American Heritage Billiard Tables


The McFadden

8 foot pool table


Antique Walnut or

Black finish (not pictured)

The Blackwell

8 foot pool table

Antique Walnut or

Black finish (not pictured)

The Chesapeake

8 foot pool table

Antique Walnut or

Black finish (not pictured)

The Edward

7 or 8 foot pool table

Suede Finish

The Meyer

7 or 8 foot pool table

English Tudor Finish

The Artiste

7 or 8 foot pool table

Navajo Finish

The Newton

7, 8 or 9 foot pool table

Suede Finish

The Roman

7 or 8 foot pool table

Suede Finish

The Washington

7, 8 or 9 foot pool table

Velvet Oak Finish



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